The Lesson
The Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual asks us to read Matthew 16-17, Mark 8-9, and Luke 9 this week. Auggie struggles to understand the scripture Matthew 16:18, “And upon this rock will I build my church.” He seeks his dad for help. Dad tries to help Auggie know what Jesus means in this scripture.
Show your children a picture of President Russell M. Nelson. Explain to them that he receives revelation from Jesus Christ to know how to lead His church. General Conference is a way we can hear the revelations from the prophet! We, too, can receive personal revelation if we are righteous.
What You Need:
- Cut-outs of Auggie, Dad, and Rocks. If you haven’t yet, go to the Original Latter Day Parables Family and print, cut, and laminate your free cut-outs of Dad and Auggie. Store them in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder for future use. If you happened to print out the rocks from the Saved By the Holy Ghost Parable back in January, you can reuse those rocks! If not, you can download the Rocks cut-out in the Quick Clicks below.
- “Revelation Rocks” story. Provided below in the Quick Clicks is a Word and PDF documents. Print and store the story in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder.
- Pictures of Joseph Smith and President Russell M. Nelson. Provided in the Quick Clicks below are pictures you can use as you explain to your children that these men have received revelation to build Christ’s church on a firm foundation. Firm like a rock!
Quick Clicks
For the Original Latter Day Parables Family, click here.

A long time ago, Joseph Smith, the first Latter Day prophet, received revelation in how Christ wanted his church.

Today, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson receives revelation in organizing Christ’s church.
For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on this subject.