It’s Easter time! Easter is the most important holiday to ever be celebrated. Why? Because our Savior, Jesus Christ, paid the ultimate price so you and I could live again. Despite it being the most important holiday of the year, we often times forget Christ and instead celebrate the Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs.
I have looked and looked and couldn’t find anything that related The Resurrection to an Easter Bunny. The only thing that came close was an idea that eggs bring new life, just as the Savior lived again. So, I decided I write my own parable. One that uses a bunny and eggs, but will help us think of The Savior and His sacrifice when we read it. My hope is that you will read this story to your children for Easters to come so whenever you do see a bunny and eggs during the Easter season, you may remember Christ.
That said, we will forgo using the Latter Day Parables family this week, and instead read “The Sacrifice of the Bunny.” Below is a link you can go to get your story and visuals for this week.
Also provided this week are activities you can do with your family this Easter holiday to remember the Savior! Check it out below! Comment below
if you have more ideas! I’d LOVE to hear what you do with your family!
Focusing on the Savior
The Sacrifice of the Bunny. An Easter Tale
You can print this free story with its visuals to help you and your children remember the Savior whenever you see a bunny or eggs this Easter Season. After reading the story as a family, talk about the symbolism found in the story.
In the story, the animals decided on a law that needed to be followed. Remind your children of the Atonement. Jesus atoned for our sins so we can live with Heavenly Father again. The mother bird broke the law and the Great White Bunny took the punishment. Tell your children that we all make mistakes. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, we can repent and be forgiven. The Great White Bunny paid the price for a chick who was not born yet. He loved her. Though we were not born during Jesus’ time, he still suffered for us because he loves us.
Click here for the “The Sacrifice of the Bunny” story and visuals.
Bake Empty Tomb Rolls

This is a newer tradition for our family and we love it! Empty Tomb Rolls start off with marshmallows in the middle, but when you bake them, the marshmallows disappear and the rolls become hollow.
I’ve heard many people get the rolls ready on Good Friday and refrigerate them until Easter Sunday. Prepare the dough with your children and as you do, talk to them about the resurrection. Explain that because Jesus suffered and died for our sins, we can repent, be forgiven, and return to live with Heavenly Father someday.
Once you bake the rolls, tell your children that these rolls are like a tomb. Remind them that on the third day, Easter, he was resurrected. When the women went to visit Jesus’ tomb, it was empty. They were told by angels, “He is not here; for He is risen.” Show them the empty rolls and tell them that Jesus lives!
Click here for my easy Empty Tomb Rolls recipe!
Resurrection Eggs Activity

Every year for Family Home Evening during Easter time, we have a basket full of plastic eggs. Currently, because I have very young children with short attention spans, we use six eggs. In the future we will use twelve! There are so many ideas on the internet for this activity. We actually use Resurrection Eggs for Toddlers by the Happy Home Fairy. Inside each egg is a scripture and an object that describes the crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter Videos
My daughter loves watching videos. On Sundays we have her watch videos of Jesus. These are some great ones to watch during the Easter season!
Hallelujah- An Easter Message About Jesus Christ
For more meson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on this subject.
I have faithfully followed your “Come Follow Me” Lessons every week since last years come follow me. You truly have been an answer to my prayers. My kids love the lessons and they range from
4-14 years of age. I can’t wait to share this Easter lesson with them. I was lying in bed the other day racking my brain how the Easter bunny had anything to do with Easter. I’m so glad there are people out there like you with such wonderful talent and ability to offer great material like this. Thank you so much to the future and back!
Oh this is so great to hear! Thank you for your kind words! I hadn’t heard any feedback about older kids enjoying the Latter Day Parables until hearing from you! I’m glad the stories can be enjoyed by a wide variety of ages!