The Lesson
This week, the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual asks us to read Matthew 18 and Luke 10. In the Latter Day Parables, May is very upset when she sees that June has colored on her drawing. June says sorry, but May does not want to forgive her. Mom decides to tell May about Peter asking Jesus how many times we should forgive.
After reading the short story to your children, explain to them that Jesus didn’t actually mean that we should forgive only 490 times (70 x 7) but meant that we should always forgive. When we forgive, we no longer hold grudge and choose to be happy instead of angry!
Want more Latter Day Parables? Subscribe to my website below and I’ll email you an extra FREE parable called “The Cookie Debtor” along with its visuals for this week’s lesson!
What You Need:

- Cut-outs of Mom, June, May, and Scribbled Picture. If you haven’t yet, download the free Original Latter Day Parable Family cut-outs to get your Mom, June, and May cut-outs for this week. You can download your Scribbled Picture cut-out in the Quick Clicks below. Print, cut out, and laminate the cut-outs then store them in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder for future use.
- “May Learns to Forgive” Story. In the Quick Clicks below you can download a WORD or PDF version. Print out the story and store it in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder.
Quick Clicks
Click here for the Original Latter Day Parable Family

For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on this subject.
Want another FREE Latter Day Parables story for this week? Subscribe below to receive the story, “The Cookie Debtor,” and its visuals!
“The Cookie Debtor” is a modern version of The Parable of the Debtors. Mom is portrayed as the Lord, Auggie is portrayed as the Servant, and May is portrayed as the Fellowservant.