The Lesson:
This week, the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual asks us to read Romans 1-6. In the Latter Day Parables, members of the family discuss their excitement in April’s friend, Stacy’s baptism! April notices that she walks with a glow. Dad mentions that the Apostle Paul describes baptism as walking with a newness of life!
Read the story (provided in the Quick Clicks below) to your children and discuss baptism. If a child has been baptized, as him/her about the feelings that were felt after being baptized. If your child has not been baptized yet, explain that being baptized will make you feel very happy because your sins are forgiven. Being baptized is like being born again, and after being born again, you can walk with a “new life!” Isn’t that great?
What You Need:
- Cut-outs of Dad, May, and April. If you haven’t yet, download the free Original Latter Day Parables Family cut-outs to get your Dad, May, and April cut-outs for this week’s story. Print, cut out, and laminate the cut-outs and then store them in your Come, Follow Me Binder for future use.
- “Newness of Life” story. Provided in the Quick Clicks below is a PDF document of the story that you can download for free. Print out the story and store it in your Come, Follow Me Binder.
- A picture of baptism. Provided in the Quick Clicks below is a picture you can use, or, if you have a Gospel Art Book, you can use pictures from that instead.
Quick Clicks:
For the Original Latter Day Parables Family, click here.

For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on the subject.