In the week of February 11 – 17 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual, we read John 2 – 4. Auggie, trying to read that section, doesn’t understand what being “born of water” means and asks Dad for help in explaining. Rather than telling him, Dad helps Auggie discover the meaning himself. As you read John 2 – 4 with your family, help them understand certain phrases in ways they can understand. Show pictures of baptism to your children as you discuss John chapter 3.
Watch this video of Jesus turning water into wine, as read in John Chapter 2! Show it to your children as you study this week’s lesson!
What You Need
- Cut-outs of Auggie and Dad. That’s all you need this time! Isn’t that nice? If you haven’t yet, download the Original Latter Day Parables Family by clicking here. Print (cardstock is preferable), color, cut, and laminate (for durability) the cut-outs to give the story a visual. Store your cut-outs in a Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder for future use.
- “‘Born of Water'” story. You can print out either the Word or PDF documents below to tell the story and save the copy in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder.
- Pictures of baptism. You can show both Jesus being baptized and modern baptism pictures to your children as you teach this lesson. Below are the links to get the pictures.
1. For the Original Latter Day Parables Family cut-outs, click here.

3. Click here to download the “John Baptizing Jesus” from the LDS Media Library from

Click here to download “Boy Being Baptized” to show your children from the LDS Media library on

Click here to download “Girl Being Baptized” to show your children from the LDS Media library on

For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on this subject
Trying to get ahead? Click here for next week’s Parable!
Thank you so much for these latter day parables. My kids look forward to them every week and refer to the story during the week as we study the scriptures. I’m curious if all of the stories will revolve around Auggie? My daughters are especially disappointed each week when the girls are not the main characters of the story. Thanks again for adding this to our lessons and for being willing to share it for free!
I’m so glad your family enjoys the Latter Day Parables! Yes, Auggie is considered a main character, as he is at the age where he has more questions about the gospel, but I think your daughters will enjoy the parables in the weeks to come! May and April have more of a role in the parables! Stay tuned!
I just stumbled upon your site. I love the stories of the Latter Day Parables! Thank you in your efforts of putting this all together in such a fun learning experience for the little ones. I am excited and Looking forward to sharing this with our primary .
Oh thank you so much for your sweet compliments!