The Lesson
For this week, the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual asks us to read Joseph Smith – Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12-13; Luke 21. In the Latter Day Parables, Auggie is asked to accompany the primary on the piano in a musical number. His friend, Sam, has made fun of him for playing the piano, so Auggie doesn’t really want to play for the ward. Mom reminds him of the Parable of the Talents. She teaches him that we should never hide our talents. Our talents are given to us by Heavenly Father. Not exercising our talents will make him sad. We instead need to use our talents to help serve others and make them happy!
After reading the parable to your children, talk to them about talents they may have. Explain that it’s important to continue to practice our talents so we can grow and improve! Just like in the Parable of the Talents, if we choose to hide our talent and do nothing instead of practicing and using it to help others, our talent will go away!
What You Need:
- Cut-outs of Mom, Auggie and the Piano. If you haven’t yet, download the free Original Latter Day Parable Family cut-outs to get your Mom and Auggie cut-outs for this week’s story. You can download the Piano cut-out in the Quick Clicks below (Full disclosure, I did not illustrate the piano. I have illustrated all the Latter Day Parable cut-outs for the past lessons and lost my ruler to draw the piano. A piano has a lot of lines! Haha! So, this is a free piano clip art. I tried to find a piano that looks similar to my illustrations. If you would like to download the piano from the site I retrieved it from, click here. Otherwise, a PDF version of the clipart can be found below). Print, cut out, and laminate the cut-outs then store them in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder for future use.
- “Auggie’s Talent” story. Provided in the Quick Clicks below is a PDF document of the story that you can download for free. Print out the story and store it in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder.
Quick Clicks
For the Original Latter Day Parables Family, click here.
For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on the subject.
Was it your page where I saw the story about the raisins and chocolate chips? I can’t find it now….