I have looked and looked and have struggled to find a special connection to relate The Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs to the Savior and His Resurrection. I have heard people comment that eggs mean new life, but what about the bunny? So, after a lot of thought, I decided to write a parable about a white bunny and his sacrifice for an egg. I hope that this story can be read to your children and they can reflect back on it and think of the Savior and His Sacrifice for us whenever they see a bunny or eggs this Easter season.
After reading it with your family, discuss the symbolism between the story and the Atonement and Resurrection. In the story, the animals decided on a law that needed to be followed. Remind your children of the Atonement. Jesus atoned for our sins so we can live with Heavenly Father again. The mother bird broke the law and the Great White Bunny took the punishment. Tell your children that we all make mistakes. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, we can repent and be forgiven. The Great White Bunny paid the price for a chick who was not born yet. He loved her. Though we were not born during Jesus’ time, he still suffered for us because he loves us.
What You Need:

- Cut-outs of The Great White Bunny, The Wise Owl, The Briar Patch, the Mother Bird, and the Nest. You can download these free cut-outs in the Quick Clicks below. Print out on cardstock, cut out, and laminate these cut-outs and store them in a manila envelope or binder so you can use it for next year. As you tell the story, show these visuals to the children.
- “The Sacrifice of the Bunny. An Easter Tale” story. Provided in the Quick Clicks below is a PDF document. This story is for personal use only. Please do not make any changes to it. Print out the story and save it along with the cut-outs in a manila envelope or binder so you can read the story again next year.
Quick Clicks