I love decorating our little town home! However, decorations can take up so much storage space when you’re not using them! I decided to create this piece of decor that will be able to change along with the seasons!

As part of a group activity, I purchased a giant wooden W (the first letter of my last name), bought some twine, got out my hot glue gun, and wrapped the twine around the W. After every couple wraps around, I would apply more hot glue, only in the back. Warning: Some letters will be a little more complicated to wrap with twine than others!
After my W was completely dry, I hot glued a 2″ strip of heavy duty Velcro (the prickly side) at the top. At the time, it was fall, so then got the soft side and began to hot glue a fall arrangement to the Velcro.

As the seasons came by, I would pack away my tiny yet great seasonal arrangement and create a new one! See? Isn’t it great that you don’t have to pack the entire letter? Just change out the flowers!