Thanksgiving FHE

Having a toddler can be difficult, and trying to give her a Family Home Evening (FHE) lesson can be even more so. During nap time, I create Family Home Evening packets that my 2 year old can enjoy. I cut out and laminate pictures so she can interact with the story!
So before Thanksgiving, I visited my parents’ house and went through my mom’s old Family Home Evening master copies. I found lots of great lessons, including several on Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving FHE lesson even had an outline, including songs, a story, a lesson, an activity, and a treat recommendation! Isn’t that cute? So I scanned these master copies to share with you!
I found a copy about The First Thanksgiving (it looked like it came from a typewriter- how old is this story??). And then as an activity, you can print and cut out the cards to match the question with the answer.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any pictures to go with the Ginger is Grateful story. Pictures and puppets are what helps my two year old listen to the stories! So I decided to create some illustrations of my own. Feel free to download the lesson, story, and songs. Make sure to copy, cut out, and laminate (for durability) the figures!