The Lesson:
The Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual asks us to read Matthew 14-15, Mark 6-7, and John 5-6. This week’s Latter Day Parable is “Loaves of Love!” Mom bakes bread to take to the soup kitchen and Auggie wonders why those who go to eat at the soup kitchen can’t feed themselves. Mom reminds him of the time when Jesus fed the 5,000. The people who came to listen had no food with them and were hungry. Rather than being angry, Jesus loved the people and performed a miracle to feed them.
Explain to your child that it’s good to show love to others. Together, come up with different ideas to show love to the family and friends during the week. Older kids can suggest to make a siblings bed, while younger kids might try hugging someone when he or she feels sad.
Have your child watch the video, “Feeding the 5,000” (available below in the Quick Clicks). Explain what is going on in the video as you watch it so your child can fully understand the story Mom was referring to in this week’s Parable.
What You Need:

- Mom, Auggie, Bread, and Fishes cut-outs. Provided below in the Quick Clicks is a PDF document with the Bread and Fishes cut-outs. If you haven’t yet, click here to download your Original Latter Day Parables Family so you can use the Mom and Auggie cut-outs for this week. Print out on cardstock, cut out, and laminate the cut-outs and use them as visuals as you tell this week’s story. Afterwards, store the cut-outs in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder for future use.
- “Loaves of Love” story. Provided below in the Quick Clicks are both PDF and Word Documents. Print them out and save them in your Come, Follow Me 2019 Binder.
- “Feeding the 5,000” Video. Below in the Quick Clicks is a video from LDS Media Library that depicts the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people. Have your child watch the video to understand and see what Mom the story Mom was talking about to Auggie. Also provided in the Quick Clicks is a link to more videos in the LDS Media Library that go along with this week’s Come, Follow Me topics.
Quick Clicks
For the Original Latter Day Parables Family, click here.

If you’d like your child to watch more videos that go along with this week’s Come, Follow Me topic, click here to view them in the LDS Media Library.
For more lesson ideas, click here to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ thoughts on this subject.