Story: “Like Samuel the Lamanite”
May and Auggie talk about how brave Samuel the Lamanite was. Dad explains that just like Samuel, our living prophet testifies of Jesus Christ to many people.
Story: “Signs of Christ”
Auggie wonders how the Nephites and Lamanites knew Christ was on the earth. Dad explains that they watched for the signs. However, because we were not alive when Jesus was born, we can rely on the Holy Ghost to testify of His ministry on the earth.
Story: “As a Hen Gathereth her Chickens”
Just like a hen gathers her chicks under her wing to keep her safe from danger, Jesus asks us to repent and come unto Him.
Story: “A Strong Foundation”
May learns the importance of being like the Wise Man who built his house upon a rock, rather than being like the Foolish Man who built his house upon the sand.